
Can everyone sing?

Can Everyone Sing?

Who told Ronnie Drew, Shane McGowan, Tom Waits or Lisa O’Neill they could sing?  They are not singers in the classical sense, but they can hold a tune and, more importantly, tell a story that engages an audience.  Good communicators have all types of voices, accents and varying levels of education, yet you want to […]

How do you prepare for a talk? A good start is half the battle! 

How Do You Prepare For A Talk? A Good Start Is Half The Battle!

It should not be the day before, and you should not be pulling out your previous slide deck, changing the title slide, or doing what you usually do, talk about your business or product.  If you wish to be a memorable and successful communicator, you must continually read and listen to radio, TV and the […]

Speakers – Focus on Connecting, not Perfecting

Speakers – Focus on Connecting, not Perfecting

People are generally better educated and more worldly, thanks to the greater availability of third-level education and the opportunity to travel.  Would you agree?  Yet, employers still tell me there is a continuing reluctance on behalf of their employees to speak up in meetings or present on behalf of the organisation. This reluctance now also […]

A Leader’s Unforgettable Story

A Leader's Unforgettable Story

A Leader’s Unforgettable Story (A Very Sticky Message) Recently I heard an unforgettable story of inspiration and mentorship, which I would like to share with you. The location was a “Communications Masterclass” I was presenting, entitled: “Create Sticky Messages”. I asked the group to prepare and deliver a talk on the theme: “A lesson learned in […]

A Picture Paints a 1,000 Words

A Picture Paints 1000 words

Presentation Tip I acquired a new corporate client recently, and by way of getting underway, I asked them to send me a sample of a typical presentation deck. Imagine my lack of surprise when I received a deck full of bland slides, each slide populated with seven to eight bullet points. This is not a […]

Who Are Your Favourite Communicators?

favorite communicator

Have you noticed the number of job offers that are appearing on platforms in recent weeks and months? Things are looking up! Recently a business colleague asked me to help them prepare for an important interview. They commented that interviews should no longer be a review of a list of qualifications on a CV and […]

How Your Communication can lead to #Subscribe or #Unsubscribe


Thank you for Your Suggestions and Support I asked my readers to suggest some topics that they would like me to address in my articles. I wish to thank the many people who replied, I will endeavour to write on each of the topics suggested in future correspondence. Here is one such reply I received, […]

3 Simple Tips Leading to Engagement On-Line


“On-line is your Future or You have no Future” In this new environment, the organisations who are to the forefront doing business online will have a big head start on their competitors. With this in mind, here are a few simple pieces of advice to put into action when leading or participating in online meetings: […]

The EYES Have It!

Business Strategy

                          Having spent a couple of hours walking around the National Gallery of Ireland, I found myself in the hall of portraits. This is a collection of paintings of famous Irish people, both living and dead, by famous Irish artists, also both living […]