
Messages from the Bourne Trilogy (Find Your Voice)

storytelling for business

              Recently, while on my way to speak to an audience of Bankers, I listened to a Desert Island Discs podcast with the movie director Paul Greengrass, Director of three Bourne Films, the 9/11 film United 93, Captain Philips and numerous other films. He was inspiring and I took […]

Get Started Writing Now! Guess & Go …

Business Ideas with Aristo

Where do you get inspired? I doubt if it’s sitting at your desk or in front of a screen? Why should you wish to be more creative? “Creativity is as critical as literacy in education” Sir Ken Robinson One of my favourite TED talks (+ 38 million other people) I am presently participating in The […]

The EYES Have It!

Business Strategy

                          Having spent a couple of hours walking around the National Gallery of Ireland, I found myself in the hall of portraits. This is a collection of paintings of famous Irish people, both living and dead, by famous Irish artists, also both living […]

Remove Stress from Public Speaking! Come on a journey with me …

building relationships

“All poems should begin in delight but end in wisdom” Robert Frost   Pitching & Public Speaking Tips If you have an important presentation coming up, or a pitch for business, the above quotation is critical to your success. Your talk must begin with delight – the audience must be engaged and entertained on commencement […]

Why are you nervous in front of some audiences?

Take Advice From Experts Not Acquaintances

              Why are you nervous in front of some audiences and not in front of others? Regularly, I coach senior executives who are at the top of their game and leading major organisations with great success. Yet, when I tell them what I do, they are all ears. Why […]

Prepare presentations in half the time!

Aristo Presentation making

Is your goal to have more time? Let me tell you how I can save you time by being more productive! “Humanity’s goal is to save more time” – Marcus Weldon, President Bell Labs & CTO Nokia How scary is it to look at a blank page on a screen and realise that you have to populate […]

Create Memorable Presentations – Overcome Death by PowerPoint

Stand Out in a Competitive Market

          Here are a number of questions for you – Do the people who write story books for children start by drawing the pictures and then write the story? Or do they (as I believe) write the story first, and then have an artist draw the pictures that enhance the story? […]

A Woman’s Heart

Xuemei Germaine Microgen Biotech crop

A Woman’s Heart was a compilation album released in 1992 with six female artists, namely Eleanor McEvoy, Mary Black, Dolores Keane, Sharon Shannon, Frances Black and Maura O’Connell. This album was a huge success selling over 750,000 copies more than any other album in Irish chart history. The album transformed the careers of all six […]

Your Boss asks YOU to Present – Opportunity or Threat?

Your boss asks you to present - opportunity or threat

Recently I have met several people who have been given the opportunity to present on behalf of their boss, who was not available for some reason. This opportunity can be viewed in several ways – They are genuinely not available and need you to stand in for them. They wish to provide you with an […]

An Elevator Pitch that Rocks! (The 5 Steps + Video)

Elevator Pitch

Recently, I was contacted by a previous client who is now working for an American multinational company; he had an interesting and exciting request. His company wanted each of the sales team to produce a one-minute video which they will include in emails etc. that they send to prospects and customers. Using the word video […]