
Messages from the Bourne Trilogy (Find Your Voice)

storytelling for business








Recently, while on my way to speak to an audience of Bankers, I listened to a Desert Island Discs podcast with the movie director Paul Greengrass, Director of three Bourne Films, the 9/11 film United 93, Captain Philips and numerous other films.

He was inspiring and I took down two notes from what he said which I found very interesting. I went on to incorporate his ideas into my talk to my audience of Corporate and Treasury bank people.

The first note/idea I captured was –

“Drama can take you there in a way that facts cannot.”

By way of explanation, he was saying a good story/film addressing a serious issue is much more likely to make an impact, than some dry facts and statistics.

An example of this would be …

A radio interview with a family member, whose eighty year old mother was on a hospital trolley for 48 hours in A&E, is much more memorable than the hospital’s response that the time spent waiting on a bed is down by 1% this year.

Which comment is more likely to be discussed over coffee or at lunch break?

The other comment which I noted down was that at some point in his life (career) he had found –

  • His voice
  • His stories
  • His way

How lucky is he!

In this really interesting podcast he gives credit to some of the people who helped him to find his voice. Please click here and listen to the podcast if you want to be inspired, like I was.


If you need some help in finding your voice, or reconnect with your true voice, please get in touch.


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