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True or False, that is the Question 

True or False, that is the Question

Several programmes on which I have coached entrepreneurs to tell the world about their business ideas concluded in the last few weeks.  In watching my proteges present, it was very clear to me that the person who has the courage to stand up and speak out should be encouraged and praised, as it is not […]

A Free Car Changed the Course of my Career!

A Free Car Changed the Course of my Career

This article tackles the problem: every organisation wishing to grow their business needs to do BETTER.  Shortly after I got married, I was told that I should get into sales. Why?  Because back then, you were given a company car and told to drive around your patch, meet people and win sales. (The attraction to […]

Top Up Your Confidence Levels In 2024 

Top Up Your Confidence Levels In 2024

Before Christmas, my wife (Jean) and I were invited to a client’s celebration dinner, which was hosted to mark a significant company milestone.  No expense was spared, and a wonderful night was had by all.  Why am I telling you this?  Because of something my client (the MD), whom I have known for some ten […]



We think children are growing up much faster and are more informed about everything.  Is this true?  My friend’s granddaughter started secondary school in September. She is a bright child full of life and involved in all sports and activities. And in recent times, she is never without a smartphone in her hands (restricted)  Yes, […]

How to Plan for a Better Workday

How to Plan for a Better Workday

Here is something I have known for years, if not decades, yet I keep making the same mistake.  What have I known for years? Everything you do takes a lot longer than you planned.  Every day, I set aside time to do something, only to discover that it has taken longer than I expected.  A simple […]

Startups, always be Pitching!

Startups, always be Pitching!

ChatGPT is not so Scary Recently I attended a very interesting, informative, and influential summit which I have no doubt will guide in me how I think and what I do well in the future. Jeff Moran invited me to the Learnovation Global Learning Summit in the Aviva stadium.   “Words are a form of action, capable […]

ChatGPT is not so Scary!

ChatGPT is not so Scary!

ChatGPT is not so Scary Recently I attended a very interesting, informative, and influential summit which I have no doubt will guide in me how I think and what I do well in the future. Jeff Moran invited me to the Learnovation Global Learning Summit in the Aviva stadium.   “Words are a form of action, capable […]

Readers of my Articles, I need your help!

Readers of my Articles, I need your help!

By a strange coincidence, I was at the Aviva Stadium only a few days after publishing my latest article, “The man from Geneva – no, Aviva”. I was attending the Learnovation Summit as a guest of Microsoft. (Thanks, Jeff)  As I was about to enter the restroom, out came a person I had not met […]

It’s the Man from Geneva

It's the Man from Geneva

Why not avail of my FREE offer? Read on  I am sure you have noticed the advertisements on the television and radio about the “Man from Geneva”. No, it’s Aviva, the parent corrects the child.  I am never sure whether it’s the annoying advertisements, like the man from Aviva and the dozen more that are […]

Solving a Problem before it becomes a Problem!

Solving a Problem Before it Becomes a Problem

When I coach entrepreneurs to pitch, I always want them to start with the problem they solve for someone they can send an invoice to.  Recently, I spoke to Laura, an entrepreneur who has solved a problem for people unaware that they have a problem.  Very curious!  Who are these people who do not know […]