
How do you prepare for a talk? A good start is half the battle! 

How Do You Prepare For A Talk? A Good Start Is Half The Battle!

It should not be the day before, and you should not be pulling out your previous slide deck, changing the title slide, or doing what you usually do, talk about your business or product.  If you wish to be a memorable and successful communicator, you must continually read and listen to radio, TV and the […]

Tips to Improve your Online Presentation Skills

Executive Presentation Tips - Improve your Online Presentation Skills

I always emphasise to my clients that if they wish to be good presenters, they critically need to take Ernest Hemingway’s advice. “When writing a book, start by writing down the truest thing you know and then write down the second truest thing you know”. The same applies to creating a presentation; unless you believe […]

A New Sales Message For a New Era

Create a Killer Elevator Pitch pitching for investment

Pitching Skill Workshop: Now that everyone is awakening from their enforced slumber [hesitantly], it’s time for me to help and support you in creating and delivering a refocused “Killer Elevator Pitch”. It’s likely your old message will not suffice in these changed times. I can help you to create a new sales story (or stories), […]

7 More Top Presentation Tips to Improve Your Pitch in 3 weeks

Andrew Keogh

Presentation Tips to Improve Your Pitch My last article discussed the common errors to avoid when making a presentation; this article is about the things that you should do when presenting. Do the following: Smile and better still, get your audience to smile along which you. Every serious message benefits from the addition of a […]

7 Top Presentation Tips that will Improve Your Pitch in 3 weeks

fear of speaking in public

7 Top Presentation Tips I generally work with clients over a three week period to create a presentation/pitch that is often critical to their business. Here are some of the common errors that need to be addressed over that period – Common Errors: 1. Never say I will wing it on the day, in the […]

The THREE NOs to Avoid When Presenting

Image of Margaret Thatcher The Crown No No No

Presentation Skills & The Three Nos to Avoid! First No: Do not start with “Hello, it’s a lovely day, and I am delighted to have the opportunity to speak with you!” BORING! Also, it’s not necessary to start with your name and your business name. I am sure someone has already introduced you, or it’s […]

A video conversation on how to be a great speaker

Strategy Skills and Aristo

Presenting & Communication Tips Aristo, from a Greek name, means “to be the best”. Here is Andrew Keogh of Aristo talking to Don Harris of Talkback about communication tips, how Aristo helps people to be the best in communicating, presenting and telling their business story. Are you nervous of presenting? Perhaps you feel you could […]

Connect to Grow Programme – 29th November & 6th December 2017

Andrew Keogh: Pitching to Win Sales and Investment

 Executive Communication Skills [youtube video= autoplay=0 controls=1] This  2 day programme (one week apart)  is designed for delegates who have the business competence and now recognise the need to speak more effectively. Our programme ‘CONNECT 2 GROW’ will enable you to make talks easier to understand and to deliver, leading to better communication and comprehension on […]

How do you overcome the fear of public speaking

How do you overcome the fear of public speaking

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text] Speaking in public is the number one fear, rated above death in numerous surveys over the years. We have all met the so-called experts who are happy to give advice to people who speak in public or who are about to speak in public, in spite of the fact that they would […]

TEDx Belfast Women invites Andrew Keogh

How do you overcome the fear of public speaking

Improve Your Leadership & Communication Skills Recently I was invited to speak at TEDx Belfast Women on the theme of ‘Invented Here’ and I thought what could be more appropriate than to speak on the subject of improved communications. The title of my talk was  ‘The Gift of the Gab’  it’s something we are particularly good […]