
7 More Top Presentation Tips to Improve Your Pitch in 3 weeks

Andrew Keogh

Presentation Tips to Improve Your Pitch

Presentation Tips to Improve Your Pitch

My last article discussed the common errors to avoid when making a presentation; this article is about the things that you should do when presenting.

Do the following:

  1. Smile and better still, get your audience to smile along which you.

Every serious message benefits from the addition of a little humour.

  1. Prepare your talk, then leave it alone for a day or so.

You will come back with fresh eyes and renewed enthusiasm.

  1. You should have a core message supported by some key facts and evidence.

Every presentation can benefit from a good pruning.

  1. Your core message should be short and sticky, allowing you to repeat it 2 or 3 times during your presentation.

E.g. Our platform pays: Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime – Instantly.

What should I wear?

  1. Dress to suit your audience, not what suits you.

Every organization has a uniform –

Professional Services – wear suits (the cool ones leave off their ties)

Successful entrepreneurs – wear a jacket a shirt and jeans. It’s their uniform!

Academics/Researchers – wear something crumpled. (joke)

This is advice I give to the men; women generally understand the importance of appearance.

Hydrate yourself

  1. Drink water at room temperature when presenting, never cold with ice cubes.

Do not freeze your vocal cords with ice-cold water, people may think that the ice cubes rattling could be your teeth or your knees. Ha Ha!

Best piece of advice ever!

  1. Only tell true stories, if you want your audience to engage and move forward with you.

Faking sincerity will only work for a short time, if at all.

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This two day programme is designed for delegates who have business competence and now recognise the need to speak more effectively.

presentation tips