
How to Plan for a Better Workday

How to Plan for a Better Workday

What have I known for years? 
Everything you do takes a lot longer than you planned. 

Every day, I set aside time to do something, only to discover that it has taken longer than I expected. 

A simple example is journey time; you allocate forty-five minutes (anywhere now in forty-five minutes is unrealistic). It takes one hour and fifteen minutes of stress. 

You are late for your meeting, and you’re stressed, not an emotion likely to lead to a successful outcome. 

I block out time every day in my calendar only to find, at the end of the day, that I’ve got very few of the tasks I had set out to do completed, sometimes due to unplanned interruptions but primarily due to unrealistic allocation of my time. 

Set realistic deadlines, plus leave space between tasks, reducing stress. Allow time to stretch/ grab a drink/ move to another place for a few minutes. Chat with a colleague. 

Here is an example: 

Do you allocate two hours to do something, but at the end of the two hours you are not finished?  


Take five minutes to assess what still needs to be done, but do not plough on until you are complete. 

There are two reasons for taking this action. 

  1. If you continue to try to complete the task, you will interfere with the plan you had for the remainder of the day. 
  1. You will be annoyed with yourself and rush the job, leading to an unsatisfactory outcome. 

Stick with the plan for the rest of your day and allocate another block later to complete your task. 

This habit, when it becomes a routine, will have two advantages. 

Your plan for the remainder of the day will remain intact. 

But more importantly, you will develop the skill of blocking out more realistic task times. 


Another piece of advice is to keep up to date with technology. If you are using the same (software) tools you were using three or five years ago, you are placing yourself at a significant disadvantage. 

Allocate time in your week to educate yourself, ensuring your skills are up to date. I find Friday afternoon is a good time. 

A second P.S. 

My best advice is to allocate the time during your working day and keep personal time for you and your family.