
The THREE NOs to Avoid When Presenting

Image of Margaret Thatcher The Crown No No No
Margaret Thatcher says No No No

Presentation Skills & The Three Nos to Avoid!

First No:

Do not start with Hello, it’s a lovely day, and I am delighted to have the opportunity to speak with you!


Also, it’s not necessary to start with your name and your business name. I am sure someone has already introduced you, or it’s on the screen behind you.

Where to start …

Start with something impactful that gets an audience’s attention and switches them off from their everyday thought and get them focused on you.

(Lots of my previous articles will give you suggestions as to how to do this.)

Here is one recent example of an opening that got my attention:

“In Greek times if diagnosed with brain cancer, the prognosis was 12-18 months to live.

Senator John McCain got brain cancer, and his prognosis was still 12-18 months.

Three centuries with little or no improvement in the outcome!

Let me tell you how our research can improve prognosis in the future.”

Second No:

No agenda; one of the most uninteresting ways to start a presentation is by reading a list.

Honestly, did you ever read an agenda and say, I must go to that meeting?

What should I do …

Start with a story about the problem you solve for the audience, or the opportunity you can provide.

Third No:

Thank you slide

By all means thank your audience verbally and genuinely, just not on a slide.

A story I heard recently was about someone leaving a very high tech premises after making a significant purchase. They commented to the assistant that they had not said thank you for the sale; the assistants reply: “It’s written on your receipt”.

A response not likely to lead to repeat business.


If you wish to hear your prospect say YES – Eliminate these THREE NOs from your presentations.