
Stop, Stop, Stop, Selling! 

Stop, Stop, Stop, Selling!

Recently, I turned up to hear how a group of customer-facing “Business Development Managers” (BDM’s) told the story of their business.  What happened was as I expected.   They immediately launched into what they do and the product/service they provide.   Why do they do this?   It’s where they’re comfortable and confident as product specialists.   It’s what […]

It’s the Man from Geneva

It's the Man from Geneva

Why not avail of my FREE offer? Read on  I am sure you have noticed the advertisements on the television and radio about the “Man from Geneva”. No, it’s Aviva, the parent corrects the child.  I am never sure whether it’s the annoying advertisements, like the man from Aviva and the dozen more that are […]

Once upon a time … My Favourite Story Opening

Once Upon A Time ... Change how you think about public speaking

Today I wish to change how you think about public speaking. It’s not a chore to be feared; it’s an opportunity to be grasped. I dislike anything to do with Excel and Accounts. I keep putting this type of work off until the last minute and then do it under pressure, increasing my distaste for the […]

What Ted Lasso and I have in Common

Replace Criticism With Encouragement

Sometimes I forget how scary and pressurizing asking someone to speak in public or to a group can be. Overcome Fear Of Speaking In Public With Aristo: Recently I was helping an organization to prepare their people to engage with existing customers and prospective clients. The person who engaged me to do the work with […]

Why Are We Fearful of Speaking in Public?

Why are we fearful of speaking in public Sweet Pea metaphor

Here is an image of some sweet pea I grew in my garden. Like lots of people, I have developed an increased interest in gardening during the’ P’.   I am fed up saying that word and I’m very much looking forward to writing articles that do not contain some reference to you know what!   The […]

A New Sales Message For a New Era

Create a Killer Elevator Pitch pitching for investment

Pitching Skill Workshop: Now that everyone is awakening from their enforced slumber [hesitantly], it’s time for me to help and support you in creating and delivering a refocused “Killer Elevator Pitch”. It’s likely your old message will not suffice in these changed times. I can help you to create a new sales story (or stories), […]

Speak Up and Earn More (Eat the Frog)

pitching your idea

  Improve Your Communication Skills I was recently in a conversation with a prospective new client, who was interested in engaging me to speak to his team. During the meeting, he asked me to answer the following question. How do I describe to my colleagues what you do in a sentence? My answer was as […]

Tide is turning against the bullies

Business in the news

                      The Traits of Great Team Leaders Recently I read a great article in the Sunday Independent by Eamonn Sweeney, one of my favourite sports journalists and philosophers. His headline: “Tide is turning against the bullies”. In his article he addressed the topic “Nice Guys […]

Do you want Customers and/or Funders to beat a path to your door?

Stand Out Business

                  What Makes a Successful Business? In a recent conversation with Gene Murphy (Entrepreneur in Residence in the Bank of Ireland) a discussion arose over lunch about what I believe are the three requirements for a successful business. Here is what I believe distinguishes successful businesses from […]

Tips to Improve Your Handicap When Speaking in Public (Become a Winner)

tips for a successful pitch

                  I remember, as a young man, visiting a manufacturing company in Wales which employed hundreds of people, in what would now be described as heavy engineering. I was visiting in order to get training and become familiar with their products. I was in my 20s, in […]