
It’s Not About Your Body

It's Not About Your Body (Language)

Speakers and their advisors frequently put too much emphasis on body language.  It’s not about your gestures, it’s what you have to say that matters.   What do I do with my hands?  Michael Martin, Tánaiste (Deputy Prime Minister), and Paschal Sheehy (Journalist) were both advised by a schoolteacher or presentation coach to continually tip the […]

True or False, that is the Question 

True or False, that is the Question

Several programmes on which I have coached entrepreneurs to tell the world about their business ideas concluded in the last few weeks.  In watching my proteges present, it was very clear to me that the person who has the courage to stand up and speak out should be encouraged and praised, as it is not […]

When presenting, STOP before you are asked to STOP

Stop before you are asked to stop

People often say to me that they rarely make presentations in their role, but that’s not true. Regularly you attempt to bring colleagues around to your way of thinking You want to introduce colleagues to new work practices/platforms You need to get one of your clients/customers to buy into your idea Win support or Investment […]

Make a Bigger Impression when Presenting

Make a Bigger Impression When Presenting

Make a Bigger Impression when Presenting  (Be on the envelope, not the stamp!)  I was recently asked to provide some feedback to researchers presenting their projects.  My overall impression was as follows:  Why must the slide take up the whole screen with the presenter in the top corner, the size of a postage stamp?  Universities, […]

Presenting is Not a Game of Perfect

Presenting is Not a Game of Perfect

The sportsperson who expects to be their best every time they enter the playing field will be sorely disappointed on lots of occasions. The ones who succeed over the years are the participants who continue to train, focus and have a positive belief in themselves while supporting others. Conversely, winners are people who experience frequent […]

Traps to Avoid When Presenting

Traps to avoid when presenting

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] Recently I went down to the practice area at my Golf Club to work on my bunker shots.   The problem I had was, I did not know what I should be doing.   I tried different approaches based on various snippets of advice I remembered from previous lessons and […]

Storytelling for Executives (How to become an engaging presenter)

Tell a Business Story

Storytelling for Executives (How to become an engaging presenter) All organisations were started by someone who had a vision and a story that articulated that vision. Their story engaged and excited people, potential partners and sometimes paying customers. Here are the names of a few people that stand out for me: – Willy Birmingham […]

Presenting is much more about Confidence than Content

executive coaching skills

What do I mean by this statement? Have you ever gone to the movies and sat through ninety minutes of content, where you never engaged or rooted for the characters? I read some research recently that said, in the majority of books sold, that the reader never progressed beyond page eighteen! Both of these examples […]

What has James Bond and Business Pitches got in Common?

  Pitch For Investment For Your Business You have arrived in the cinema with your bucket of popcorn and can of coke and you anticipate watching the new James Bond trailer.  Before you have taken your first mouthful of popcorn or sip of Coke, he’s got into an aeroplane without the pilot, out of an […]

Poetry and Pitching: The Similarities!

roger mcgough

          Regularly when I work with presenters, be they start-ups or established business people, I hear the same plea, how can I explain my business or my business idea in five minutes? You have a choice: you can bore your prospect for 30 to 45 minutes, or you can engage and […]