
Winning is Not Everything! 

Winning Is Not Everything

Recently, I was asked to help a team of students prepare a pitch important for them and their college. The college had previously entered this competition for several years but was never shortlisted to present at the final pitch competition.  Initially, I helped the team and their professor prepare a video pitch to promote their […]

Stop, Stop, Stop, Selling! 

Stop, Stop, Stop, Selling!

Recently, I turned up to hear how a group of customer-facing “Business Development Managers” (BDM’s) told the story of their business.  What happened was as I expected.   They immediately launched into what they do and the product/service they provide.   Why do they do this?   It’s where they’re comfortable and confident as product specialists.   It’s what […]

Chatbots and wardrobes, the similarities!

Chatbots and wardrobes, the similarities!

If you have been reading my articles for a while, you will know I have a passion for helping businesses to tell their story.  Let me tell you one of the most interesting and exciting business stories I have heard.  I recently worked with a small group of researchers, preparing them to deliver their pitch […]

A Pitch – My Secret Sauce

A Pitch - My Secret Sauce

I was with a client for a day recently, preparing six Startups to ready their pitches for an upcoming pitch competition.   It was a good day, and I believe I was helpful to all the teams. We had some fun while I helped them be more confident about the upcoming event.  My message to the […]

Let’s BAN the words Presentation, Pitch, Lecture, Sermon!

Let’s BAN the words Presentation, Pitch, Lecture, Sermon!

During the pandemic, I decided to educate myself on online presenting as technology is not my strong suit. Using various platforms such as Zoom, Meet, Teams, etc., screen sharing became very popular during the pandemic.  They’re all different in subtle ways and each has its peculiarities. I needed to familiarize myself with them all, as […]

First Steps to Pitch Perfection

First Steps to Pitch Perfection

Perfecting Your Sales Pitch I did not ever see myself quoting Anna Geary as she is not a person I would come into contact within my business life. Yet, her advice in a recent Sunday Independent – Life magazine was the advice I find myself giving to clients in a completely different scenario. “Strive for […]

The (little known) Secret to a Successful Pitch

Four presenters

Executive Coaching Skills: The key to a successful pitch is your preparation and research. The conversation and face to face meeting prior to having the opportunity to deliver a pitch, or send a proposal, is where the groundwork for winning proposals are established. The images above are four of my top interviewers who always ask […]

The 1st Step to Creating Your Company Story

The 1st Step to Creating Your Company Story

Storytelling for Business I am working online with one of my favourite clients, who are using this current situation to refocus and reassess the message that they tell their customers and themselves. The reason they engaged me is that they have rapidly expanded over the previous five years and they see this time as an […]

Steve Jobs pitching & presentation for his ideas/products

Steve Jobs pitching & presentation for his ideas/products

        Like many people, you will receive presents of books this Christmas. I would suggest you drop a hint for the Steve Jobs Book by Walter Isaacson. I received a present of this book a couple of Christmases ago. My first thought was, look at the thickness of the book and do […]

WOW – 8 Steps of Pitching to Win

pitching your business

Preparing a proposal/pitch is a costly exercise in terms of manpower and disruption to the business. Preparing well and in a timely fashion will help you stand out from the crowd. This article is based on a recent case study, telling you how I help pitch teams to prepare well and significantly increase their success […]