
Prepare presentations in half the time!

Aristo Presentation making

Is your goal to have more time?

Let me tell you how I can save you time by being more productive!

“Humanity’s goal is to save more time” – Marcus Weldon, President Bell Labs & CTO Nokia

How scary is it to look at a blank page on a screen and realise that you have to populate it with words and images that grab people’s attention and retain their interest for a period of time!

My business is coaching/preparing people to make important presentations. Here are some of the tips, advice and guidance I give them.

This advice does not only apply to presentations; it’s equally applicable to e-mails, proposals and tenders that you are required to send.

My solution to this problem is templates.

I provide my clients with templates for the typical scenarios that arise every day, e.g. sales talk, pitches, proposal, tenders, documents, etc.

Initially, all that I require of my client is to answer the questions asked of them on the template. The skill is then to expand/enhance each answer by the use of stories, examples, analogies, etc.

My templates dramatically reduce the amount of time required to get ready.

You’re saying it can’t be that simple – but it is …

Here are some examples of where templates are used:

The template for a book is xxxx number of words, divided into 8 to 10 chapters each with a heading and a number of subheadings.

This skill/genius is that each writer puts his/her own style into the content. Be it James Joyce, Maeve Binchy, Frederick Forsyth or Stephen King.

Tip: All great writers start with the end in mind and often write the last sentence first. You should do the same.

The Movies:

Western movies generally have the same template –

The hero rides into town – something happens – our hero rides out of town.

James Bond –

Start: With action + more action + kissy kissy


 “89% of award- winning ads can be classified into six basic categories or templated” – ‘Made to Stick’ – Chip & Dan Heath (one of my favourite books)

Great Ads are always telling stories in 20 – 30 sec –

Here is my suggested template for introducing you or your business idea:

Question 1:

What is the problem you solve for your prospect?

(Tell a story/example to demonstrate your knowledge of the problem)

Introduce yourself.

Question 2:

How do you solve this problem?

Question 3:

How is the prospect better as a result of your intervention?

If you wish to be more productive and free up time by using templates please get in touch.

P.S. Added Bonus

Here is a great template for a tweet:

  • Question?
  • Solution
  • Call to action with Link