
Obey Stop Signs and Become a Great Speaker

Obey Stop Signs and Become a Great Speaker - Public Speaking

An observation I have had for some time is the inability of some people to bring a conversation or presentation to a conclusion. 

I have a most annoying relative who talks continuously but never brings the conversation to a conclusion. I am sure you know similar people. 

Show business: 

How often have you read a book or watched a movie that should have finished much sooner but did not? 

Think of the number of times you have spent hours watching a movie or TV series only to be disappointed by the ending. Ten-episode series on TV that would have been much more exciting and memorable had they finished sooner. 


Some years ago, I read a newspaper article that explained that successful authors advise that when writing a book, the first thing they did was to write the last sentence. 


Great writers and moviemakers have learned this critical skill.  

“Start with the end in mind.”   
Stephen Covey 

When I start coaching people for a specific presentation, we always start at the end.  

One of the essential skills I coach a speaker to develop is how to bring their presentation to a conclusion.  

Do this by telling the audience how they will benefit from taking your suggestion on board, and then STOP.  

Pause and say:  

I have time for questions; who has the first question? 

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