
The “Fly Me to the Moon” Pitch

plan to launch your business Fly Me to the Moon

Pitching Skill Workshop:

Fly Me to the Moon

“Fly me to the Moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what life is like on Jupiter and Mars
In other words,” …

Words & Music by Bart Howard 1954

Excite me

Today I will show you how to create a pitch that excites both customers and investors. This article is for Startups and established businesses who need to create a new pitch.
The audience is hoping you will take them to the Moon or perhaps even Mars. What they often get is a tour of a mockup rocket.


Where I come in:

My job is to give you the confidence and belief to demonstrate your excitement and passion, plus your vision of how you plan to launch your business in the direction of the Moon and further.

Are you ready to take the journey with me?
Let me prepare you for blastoff!
Below is one of the best and understandable goals ever.
Also, a great pitch, would you agree?

“I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to earth”

John F. Kennedy 25 May 1961

(Man landed on the Moon 20 July 1969)


Prepare for Blastoff:

You probably have the content of your pitch complete, as a result of completing a template such as Lean Canvas.
My job is to turn this document which reads like a dull business plan, into a pitch that excites, engages, spurring people into action.
Our work together will lead to the most exciting and engaging way to present your current business and your vision for the immediate future, next two to three years.


On to Mars:

There is also an opportunity to demonstrate your bigger ambition for the future, travelling on from the Moon to Mars.
Mars may not be on your immediate horizon, but it’s where you believe you can go with support and investment.

I love my job as I see myself in the role of encourager, helping people to Launch with confidence.

I look forward to having the opportunity to encourage and support you. connect me on linkedin.

Comment below about your thoughts on The “Fly Me to the Moon” Pitch and best practises to plan to launch your business.


Now is a good time to create a new Pitch for your business; take the first step – click the image below: