When presenting, STOP before you are asked to STOP

People often say to me that they rarely make presentations in their role, but that’s not true. Regularly you attempt to bring colleagues around to your way of thinking You want to introduce colleagues to new work practices/platforms You need to get one of your clients/customers to buy into your idea Win support or Investment […]
The THREE NOs to Avoid When Presenting

I thought of the above image when watching Gillian Anderson’s terrific portrayal of Margaret Thatcher in ‘The Crown’ Season 4. I recommend you watch it. The article below was one of my most popular publications and I am not sure if it was the image of Maggie, or was it the title of the article […]
5 Step Template for Sales Success

Pitching Skill Workshop: The secret Sales Tips & Skills of a successful meeting is learning how to talk in terms of the other person’s interest. Here are the five steps I use in a sales conversation: 1. Attention There are lots of stories told to us each day on Radio, TV, Podcasts etc. how many engage you fully? 2. […]
Send Me Your Deck!

Executive Coaching Skills This is your wish; you want to send your Deck to a potential investor or prospective partner or customer, yet you have that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach as you know, deep down, it’s not good enough! When I engage with a prospective client, it’s usually the first thing I ask them, to send me their existing slide deck; I also […]
The 1st Step to Creating Your Company Story

Storytelling for Business I am working online with one of my favourite clients, who are using this current situation to refocus and reassess the message that they tell their customers and themselves. The reason they engaged me is that they have rapidly expanded over the previous five years and they see this time as an […]
Always Look on the Bright Side (A chance to reflect)

Stay Positive & Look on the Bright Side This is the time when we have time to do the things we told ourselves we did not have time to do. A hardback copy of former Taoiseach Sean Lemass’s biography by John Horgan has been on my bookshelf for twenty years. Over these years, I have […]
‘This is a C-word free Zone’ – Tips for a Stress Free Life!

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living I was in my 20s. I had a wife, a son and a job with a company that I hated working for. It was my first job in management, I was stressed to the nines and losing sleep (I developed psoriasis skin condition at the time, and was […]
7 More Top Presentation Tips to Improve Your Pitch in 3 weeks

Presentation Tips to Improve Your Pitch My last article discussed the common errors to avoid when making a presentation; this article is about the things that you should do when presenting. Do the following: Smile and better still, get your audience to smile along which you. Every serious message benefits from the addition of a […]
7 Top Presentation Tips that will Improve Your Pitch in 3 weeks

7 Top Presentation Tips I generally work with clients over a three week period to create a presentation/pitch that is often critical to their business. Here are some of the common errors that need to be addressed over that period – Common Errors: 1. Never say I will wing it on the day, in the […]
People Love Stories

Storytelling in Business – My story, once upon a time … Yesterday I met my client for our final preparation session before he goes to speak at a farming conference in the UK. Which he believes will provide a good opportunity to grow his business in Britain and support the staff he already employs over […]