NEVER answer this question: “What Do You Do”?

The other day I was in a hardware shop, looking to choose which rawlplug would be most suited for use with my newly insulated walls when my phone rang! The caller was a prospective customer who had been given my contact details by one of my clients. This was a surprise, as nowadays the vast […]
Writing can be Fun!

I am sitting in my creative chair early in the morning with a scented candle lit in the room I use as my office. My desk is tidy, creating a sense of calm which will stay with me for the rest of the day. I finished the previous day with a plan for the next day, which is a great help, it only needs to be a note […]
3 Simple Tips Leading to Engagement On-Line

“On-line is your Future or You have no Future” In this new environment, the organisations who are to the forefront doing business online will have a big head start on their competitors. With this in mind, here are a few simple pieces of advice to put into action when leading or participating in online meetings: […]
Always Look on the Bright Side (A chance to reflect)

Stay Positive & Look on the Bright Side This is the time when we have time to do the things we told ourselves we did not have time to do. A hardback copy of former Taoiseach Sean Lemass’s biography by John Horgan has been on my bookshelf for twenty years. Over these years, I have […]
‘This is a C-word free Zone’ – Tips for a Stress Free Life!

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living I was in my 20s. I had a wife, a son and a job with a company that I hated working for. It was my first job in management, I was stressed to the nines and losing sleep (I developed psoriasis skin condition at the time, and was […]
7 More Top Presentation Tips to Improve Your Pitch in 3 weeks

Presentation Tips to Improve Your Pitch My last article discussed the common errors to avoid when making a presentation; this article is about the things that you should do when presenting. Do the following: Smile and better still, get your audience to smile along which you. Every serious message benefits from the addition of a […]
7 Top Presentation Tips that will Improve Your Pitch in 3 weeks

7 Top Presentation Tips I generally work with clients over a three week period to create a presentation/pitch that is often critical to their business. Here are some of the common errors that need to be addressed over that period – Common Errors: 1. Never say I will wing it on the day, in the […]
People Love Stories

Storytelling in Business – My story, once upon a time … Yesterday I met my client for our final preparation session before he goes to speak at a farming conference in the UK. Which he believes will provide a good opportunity to grow his business in Britain and support the staff he already employs over […]
Do slides add or detract from your presentation?

Harvard University says they detract! “Harvard just discovered that PowerPoint is worse than useless”, article by Geoffrey James, Contributing Editor, “PowerPoint was rated (by online audience) as no better than verbal presentation with no visual aids (ouch)” Let me give you my view, based on twenty years as both presenter and coaching presenters to […]
Speak Up and Earn More (Eat the Frog)

Improve Your Communication Skills I was recently in a conversation with a prospective new client, who was interested in engaging me to speak to his team. During the meeting, he asked me to answer the following question. How do I describe to my colleagues what you do in a sentence? My answer was as […]