
Tide is turning against the bullies

Business in the news

                      The Traits of Great Team Leaders Recently I read a great article in the Sunday Independent by Eamonn Sweeney, one of my favourite sports journalists and philosophers. His headline: “Tide is turning against the bullies”. In his article he addressed the topic “Nice Guys […]

Do you want Customers and/or Funders to beat a path to your door?

Stand Out Business

                  What Makes a Successful Business? In a recent conversation with Gene Murphy (Entrepreneur in Residence in the Bank of Ireland) a discussion arose over lunch about what I believe are the three requirements for a successful business. Here is what I believe distinguishes successful businesses from […]

Tips to Improve Your Handicap When Speaking in Public (Become a Winner)

tips for a successful pitch

                  I remember, as a young man, visiting a manufacturing company in Wales which employed hundreds of people, in what would now be described as heavy engineering. I was visiting in order to get training and become familiar with their products. I was in my 20s, in […]

4 Steps to a Successful Pitch Presentation

Andrew Keogh

I recently received a slide deck from a prospective client who wishes to have more success when pitching for business and was seeking my help. On reviewing their deck, I made the following observations. Like the majority of decks I receive, it started by telling all about themselves and then preceded to tell all about […]

Pitch like a Big Time Movie Producer/Director!

build business relationships with Andrew Keogh

A High Concept Pitch to a movie mogul (If such a person still exists?) is where you are given one sentence to pitch your idea. Let me give you some examples: Chicken Run – It’s “The Great Escape” with chickens Alien – It’s “Jaws” on a spaceship Speed – It’s “Die Hard” on a bus What you are hoping […]

Have you got the Gift of the Gab?

successful pitching

          Improve Your Communication Skills It’s the end of another year and time to take it easy for a few days over the holidays. The Christmas holiday period can often be a time to reconnect with people you have not been in touch with for some time. Yet, we hesitate; how […]

THE END … Do you hear “WOW!” or “Let’s get out of here?”

presentation skills

                “A speech is like a love affair. Any fool can start it, but to end it requires considerable skill.”  Lord Mancroft When working with clients to prepare them for important presentations, I have noticed over the years that they always start at the beginning, and proceed to […]

A video conversation on how to be a great speaker

Strategy Skills and Aristo

Presenting & Communication Tips Aristo, from a Greek name, means “to be the best”. Here is Andrew Keogh of Aristo talking to Don Harris of Talkback about communication tips, how Aristo helps people to be the best in communicating, presenting and telling their business story. Are you nervous of presenting? Perhaps you feel you could […]

Connect to Grow Programme – 29th November & 6th December 2017

Andrew Keogh: Pitching to Win Sales and Investment

 Executive Communication Skills [youtube video= autoplay=0 controls=1] This  2 day programme (one week apart)  is designed for delegates who have the business competence and now recognise the need to speak more effectively. Our programme ‘CONNECT 2 GROW’ will enable you to make talks easier to understand and to deliver, leading to better communication and comprehension on […]

LESS IS MORE – Shorter, more effective presentations

Less is More

Deliver More Effective Presentations A couple of weeks ago I listened to the BBC Radio 4 interview with Dame Judy Dench, as part of their anniversary of 60 years of radio news. Dame Judy spoke about what she had learned over her sixty years career. She told a story of how she played Ophelia in […]