
The Good, the Bad, but no Ugly!

The Good, the Bad, but no Ugly! Winter into Spring

I’m going to increase my output. I’m coming out of hibernation.

I was listening to an expert on the TV say that most animals who hibernate do not go into a deep sleep for the winter. They cuddle up somewhere cosy and reduce their heart rate, conserving energy to get them through the cold season.

On occasions, they will wake up and stroll about if the weather is mild and then return to their cosy nest.

I have done some of that with the occasional whiskey in front of a warm fire and enjoyed what we in Ireland would call the bad weather. Yet, even in the bad weather, I’ve enjoyed walks and golf every Sunday (in good or bad weather, mostly bad), and all done in the company of family and friends.

Winter is not so bad after all.

(Theres no fireside like your own fireside)

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