Stories get ‘YES’ vote!

Storytelling for Business If your business was put to a referendum would your prospects vote YES? Read on and learn how story telling will help your business win sales and investment. I listened to Charlie Bird being interviewed about his new book on the radio recently. ‘A Day in May’ The book is a […]
Stories Top Business Jargon Every Time

How Irish Start-Ups Improved Their Business Opportunities Here are some very brief, yet highly engaging, stories explaining how Irish start-ups I worked with recently got attention and improved their business opportunities. Elder Home Share – Founder Saoirse Sheridan “ is Dublin’s first home share service and provides peace of mind for elderly citizens to […]
Steve Jobs pitching & presentation for his ideas/products

Like many people, you will receive presents of books this Christmas. I would suggest you drop a hint for the Steve Jobs Book by Walter Isaacson. I received a present of this book a couple of Christmases ago. My first thought was, look at the thickness of the book and do […]