Tips to Win Investment Now!
Pitching Skill Workshop: Tips to Win Investment & Sales Experienced investors tell me that they back people with great ideas, not the other way around. A short time ago, I received a request for help from a person referred to me by one of my previous clients. First engagement: We spoke, and he told me […]
Connect to Grow Programme – 29th November & 6th December 2017
Executive Communication Skills [youtube video= autoplay=0 controls=1] This 2 day programme (one week apart) is designed for delegates who have the business competence and now recognise the need to speak more effectively. Our programme ‘CONNECT 2 GROW’ will enable you to make talks easier to understand and to deliver, leading to better communication and comprehension on […]
Pitching for Investment and Win Sales
In the last few weeks I have coached Russian Startups, Social Entrepreneur Startups and several companies who Enterprise Ireland would describe as High Potential Startups (HPSU). I have also helped prepare a company to pitch and win at the Thrive Accelerator Sustainability Award, at the 2nd annual Forbes […]