
Speakers – Focus on Connecting, not Perfecting

Speakers – Focus on Connecting, not Perfecting

People are generally better educated and more worldly, thanks to the greater availability of third-level education and the opportunity to travel.  Would you agree?  Yet, employers still tell me there is a continuing reluctance on behalf of their employees to speak up in meetings or present on behalf of the organisation. This reluctance now also […]

Improve Your Communication Skills

Improve Your Communication Skills

Improve Your Communication Skills – (Focus on connecting, not perfection) Having listened to somebody present to you, are you likely to remember everything they said?  No, that’s very unlikely! You will remember how they made you feel – uplifted, informed, enthused, energised, happy, content, and inspired! Would you be happy if your listeners experienced some […]

STOP – Nobody cares what you do!

Stop - nobody cares what you do

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.0.48″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″ parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.74″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”] When talking to a prospect, if you start a conversation by introducing yourself and your outstanding product, you are well on the way to losing the attention and interest of the prospect. Similar to “First Dates” when you spend the […]

NEVER answer this question: “What Do You Do”?


The other day I was in a hardware shop, looking to choose which rawlplug would be most suited for use with my newly insulated walls when my phone rang! The caller was a prospective customer who had been given my contact details by one of my clients. This was a surprise, as nowadays the vast […]

5 Step Elevator Pitch that Works!

5 Step Elevator Pitch that Works!

Pitching Skill Workshop: Perfect Your Elevator Pitch to Win Business Now that we are all practising social isolation, this is an ideal time to communicate interestingly and engagingly, with lapsed clients or prospective new ones. I have had occasions, both for my Aristo business and for several clients, to create a short email or LinkedIn […]

Have you got the Gift of the Gab?

successful pitching

          Improve Your Communication Skills It’s the end of another year and time to take it easy for a few days over the holidays. The Christmas holiday period can often be a time to reconnect with people you have not been in touch with for some time. Yet, we hesitate; how […]

Failed First Dates & Failed Business Meetings share a lot in Common!

Happy loving fingers holding red heart

                    Here is a situation … You have the opportunity to speak to a really important prospect, a person you’ve been trying to arrange a meeting with for ages.  Now, mostly by good networking and a little luck, you are in the same room and anxious […]