
TEDx Belfast Women invites Andrew Keogh

How do you overcome the fear of public speaking

Improve Your Leadership & Communication Skills Recently I was invited to speak at TEDx Belfast Women on the theme of ‘Invented Here’ and I thought what could be more appropriate than to speak on the subject of improved communications. The title of my talk was  ‘The Gift of the Gab’  it’s something we are particularly good […]

Public speaking will advance your Career

Public speaking will advance your Career

Why is it that people are so fearful of speaking to groups? I have a chief executive who has paid me for one-to-one coaching and yet keeps cancelling every appointment we make to meet up and get started?  I have people who I meet in companies I work with, who keep saying to me, I […]

Tangible Ireland Business & Civic Leaders

Tangible Ireland Business & Civic Leaders

 ‘Ammunition for Success!’ Business & Civic Leaders Join Tangible Ireland in Howth Yacht Club, Howth Harbour, Howth, County Dublin, IRELAND  Howth Yacht Club  2.00 pm-6.00 pm-Thursday , 9th January 2014, Register from 1.30 pm  for an afternoon of Inspiration,Leadership,Project Reviews, Success Analysis,Outcomes and Networking  Called ‘Ammunition for Success!’ in recognition of the 100th Anniversary of […]

Ten Top Tips when preparing a presentation

Top Ten

Find out about your audience i.e. age profile, gender mix, business etc. Ask yourself as a result of my talk what do I want my audience to do,  more of, less of, stop or start. Decide what is the key point you want your audience to take away from the presentation. Decide on an exciting […]