
The Presentation Advice that helped elect Bill Clinton

presentation skills coaching

“It’s About Relationships – Stupid”, is the title of one of my favourite presentation workshops. I creatively swiped the message that Bill Clintons campaign manager James Carville wrote on the campaign headquarters whiteboard every morning, when Bill was running for the office of the President of America. “It’s about the economy” If you want to […]

Presenting is much more about Confidence than Content

executive coaching skills

What do I mean by this statement? Have you ever gone to the movies and sat through ninety minutes of content, where you never engaged or rooted for the characters? I read some research recently that said, in the majority of books sold, that the reader never progressed beyond page eighteen! Both of these examples […]

Your USP – 6 Steps to Success

climbing steps

‘Art of Pitching’ Last Friday I spoke to an audience of over 100 business women on International Women’s Day. The topic I was asked to address was the “Art of Pitching” and how to succeed when seeking to win new business. In my view, a pitch must be delivered in a conversational way, that puts […]

“Be judged not by your words, but by your actions”

Aristo presentation skills

Improve Your Presentation Skills Having listened to somebody present to you, are you likely to remember everything they said? No, that’s very unlikely! What you will remember is how they made you feel – uplifted, informed, enthused, energised, happy, content, inspired! Would you be happy if your listeners experienced some of these emotions when you […]

Stories Top Business Jargon Every Time

build relationships with Aristo

  How Irish Start-Ups Improved Their Business Opportunities Here are some very brief, yet highly engaging, stories explaining how Irish start-ups I worked with recently got attention and improved their business opportunities. Elder Home Share – Founder Saoirse Sheridan “ is Dublin’s first home share service and provides peace of mind for elderly citizens to […]

Why are you nervous in front of some audiences?

Take Advice From Experts Not Acquaintances

              Why are you nervous in front of some audiences and not in front of others? Regularly, I coach senior executives who are at the top of their game and leading major organisations with great success. Yet, when I tell them what I do, they are all ears. Why […]