
Turn your Interview into a Conversation and get the Job

executive coaching skills

Job Interview Tips & Techniques Recently I was asked by a former client and now a friend to help her prepare for a very important job interview. My friend told me that this position was her dream job. The first interview required her to deliver a ten-minute presentation plus a fifteen-minute ‘Question and Answer’ session […]

Storytelling for Executives (How to become an engaging presenter)

Tell a Business Story

Storytelling for Executives (How to become an engaging presenter) All organisations were started by someone who had a vision and a story that articulated that vision. Their story engaged and excited people, potential partners and sometimes paying customers. Here are the names of a few people that stand out for me: – Willy Birmingham […]

Start-ups are Changing the World

Imperial College London

Coaching Start-Ups to Pitch & Sell Their Business Ideas I have been coaching start-ups for 13 years and in the beginning, when working on programmes like StartUpBootCamp (2010) and several University programmes, the majority of the start-ups were very hopeful, but with very little of substance behind them. How things are changing! A couple of […]

My Advice – Stop Selling, Let People Buy

improve communication skills

How to Pitch & Win More Business When strangers come to our door, we are often reluctant to open the door; why? Mostly because we suspect they are going to try and sell us something, e.g. switch energy supplies, sign up for some new local service, change Wi-Fi providers. The fact is nobody wants to […]

Do slides add or detract from your presentation?

PowerPoint presentation skills coaching

Harvard University says they detract! “Harvard just discovered that PowerPoint is worse than useless”, article by Geoffrey James, Contributing Editor, “PowerPoint was rated (by online audience) as no better than verbal presentation with no visual aids (ouch)” Let me give you my view, based on twenty years as both presenter and coaching presenters to […]

Speak Up and Earn More (Eat the Frog)

pitching your idea

  Improve Your Communication Skills I was recently in a conversation with a prospective new client, who was interested in engaging me to speak to his team. During the meeting, he asked me to answer the following question. How do I describe to my colleagues what you do in a sentence? My answer was as […]

The #1 Rule for a Successful Life and Business – Build Strong Relationships

improve communication skills

Strong relationships are what make life enjoyable This sage piece of advice appeared on my screen thanks to – A Study of Adult Development at Harvard Medical School, which tracked 724 men – 268 Harvard graduates and 456 less-privileged men who grew up in Boston at the same time – for roughly eight decades. […]

The Presentation Advice that helped elect Bill Clinton

presentation skills coaching

“It’s About Relationships – Stupid”, is the title of one of my favourite presentation workshops. I creatively swiped the message that Bill Clintons campaign manager James Carville wrote on the campaign headquarters whiteboard every morning, when Bill was running for the office of the President of America. “It’s about the economy” If you want to […]

Three Great Pieces of Advice from Obama’s Speechwriter

executive presentation skills

I love the lead up to Christmas; am I the first to mention the C word this year? Please forgive me but my granddaughter, the wonderful Heidi, arrived yesterday all excited and telling me what she wanted for Christmas – a fish tank, she has given up all hope of getting her first choice, a […]

The THREE NOs to Avoid When Presenting

Image of Margaret Thatcher The Crown No No No

Presentation Skills & The Three Nos to Avoid! First No: Do not start with “Hello, it’s a lovely day, and I am delighted to have the opportunity to speak with you!” BORING! Also, it’s not necessary to start with your name and your business name. I am sure someone has already introduced you, or it’s […]