
The (little known) Secret to a Successful Pitch

Four presenters

Executive Coaching Skills: The key to a successful pitch is your preparation and research. The conversation and face to face meeting prior to having the opportunity to deliver a pitch, or send a proposal, is where the groundwork for winning proposals are established. The images above are four of my top interviewers who always ask […]

The 1st Step to Creating Your Company Story

The 1st Step to Creating Your Company Story

Storytelling for Business I am working online with one of my favourite clients, who are using this current situation to refocus and reassess the message that they tell their customers and themselves. The reason they engaged me is that they have rapidly expanded over the previous five years and they see this time as an […]

Failed First Dates & Failed Business Meetings share a lot in Common!

Happy loving fingers holding red heart

                    Here is a situation … You have the opportunity to speak to a really important prospect, a person you’ve been trying to arrange a meeting with for ages.  Now, mostly by good networking and a little luck, you are in the same room and anxious […]