
7 Top Presentation Tips that will Improve Your Pitch in 3 weeks

fear of speaking in public

7 Top Presentation Tips I generally work with clients over a three week period to create a presentation/pitch that is often critical to their business. Here are some of the common errors that need to be addressed over that period – Common Errors: 1. Never say I will wing it on the day, in the […]

Three Great Pieces of Advice from Obama’s Speechwriter

executive presentation skills

I love the lead up to Christmas; am I the first to mention the C word this year? Please forgive me but my granddaughter, the wonderful Heidi, arrived yesterday all excited and telling me what she wanted for Christmas – a fish tank, she has given up all hope of getting her first choice, a […]

The THREE NOs to Avoid When Presenting

Image of Margaret Thatcher The Crown No No No

Presentation Skills & The Three Nos to Avoid! First No: Do not start with “Hello, it’s a lovely day, and I am delighted to have the opportunity to speak with you!” BORING! Also, it’s not necessary to start with your name and your business name. I am sure someone has already introduced you, or it’s […]