
Analogies Overcome the Curse of Knowledge

Overcome the Curse of Knowledge with the Right Analogy

Analogies Overcome the Curse of Knowledge   (Presenting Complex Information)  Imagine this were to happen to you:  You order pizza from your local pizzeria and collect it, but when you get home and open the box, there are only three slices in the box. Where have the other slices gone?  Is it a mystery?  You […]

What have Golf, Funerals and Rock Concerts got in common?

What have Golf Funerals and Rock Concerts got in common?

This week I had three different reminders of why good timekeeping is essential. Arrive early: My first is an obvious example; I was on the first tee box at my Golf Club. Anthony arrived late in a flurry, apologised, stood up on the tee hurriedly and hit his ball into the deep rough. He did […]

Tips to Improve your Online Presentation Skills

Executive Presentation Tips - Improve your Online Presentation Skills

I always emphasise to my clients that if they wish to be good presenters, they critically need to take Ernest Hemingway’s advice. “When writing a book, start by writing down the truest thing you know and then write down the second truest thing you know”. The same applies to creating a presentation; unless you believe […]

The THREE NOs to Avoid When Presenting

Image of Margaret Thatcher The Crown No No No

I thought of the above image when watching Gillian Anderson’s terrific portrayal of Margaret Thatcher in ‘The Crown’ Season 4. I recommend you watch it. The article below was one of my most popular publications and I am not sure if it was the image of Maggie, or was it the title of the article […]

A New Sales Message For a New Era

Create a Killer Elevator Pitch pitching for investment

Pitching Skill Workshop: Now that everyone is awakening from their enforced slumber [hesitantly], it’s time for me to help and support you in creating and delivering a refocused “Killer Elevator Pitch”. It’s likely your old message will not suffice in these changed times. I can help you to create a new sales story (or stories), […]

7 Top Presentation Tips that will Improve Your Pitch in 3 weeks

fear of speaking in public

7 Top Presentation Tips I generally work with clients over a three week period to create a presentation/pitch that is often critical to their business. Here are some of the common errors that need to be addressed over that period – Common Errors: 1. Never say I will wing it on the day, in the […]

The Presentation Advice that helped elect Bill Clinton

presentation skills coaching

“It’s About Relationships – Stupid”, is the title of one of my favourite presentation workshops. I creatively swiped the message that Bill Clintons campaign manager James Carville wrote on the campaign headquarters whiteboard every morning, when Bill was running for the office of the President of America. “It’s about the economy” If you want to […]

Three Great Pieces of Advice from Obama’s Speechwriter

executive presentation skills

I love the lead up to Christmas; am I the first to mention the C word this year? Please forgive me but my granddaughter, the wonderful Heidi, arrived yesterday all excited and telling me what she wanted for Christmas – a fish tank, she has given up all hope of getting her first choice, a […]

The THREE NOs to Avoid When Presenting

Image of Margaret Thatcher The Crown No No No

Presentation Skills & The Three Nos to Avoid! First No: Do not start with “Hello, it’s a lovely day, and I am delighted to have the opportunity to speak with you!” BORING! Also, it’s not necessary to start with your name and your business name. I am sure someone has already introduced you, or it’s […]

Talk Worm not Cake and Grow your Business

impress your audience andrew keogh aristo

I am contacted regularly by organisations, be they large or small, who have pitched and failed to have successful outcomes, be it to win sales or investment. I explain to my clients that the pitch is in lots of ways similar to a ‘First Date’. On the ‘First Date’, if you keep talking about how […]