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Analogies Overcome the Curse of Knowledge

Overcome the Curse of Knowledge with the Right Analogy

Analogies Overcome the Curse of Knowledge   (Presenting Complex Information)  Imagine this were to happen to you:  You order pizza from your local pizzeria and collect it, but when you get home and open the box, there are only three slices in the box. Where have the other slices gone?  Is it a mystery?  You […]

Why Are We Fearful of Speaking in Public?

Why are we fearful of speaking in public Sweet Pea metaphor

Here is an image of some sweet pea I grew in my garden. Like lots of people, I have developed an increased interest in gardening during the’ P’.   I am fed up saying that word and I’m very much looking forward to writing articles that do not contain some reference to you know what!   The […]

Life is too short to listen to BORING Presentations …

Drilling for Success

Presentation Skills Coaching – Choose engaging & entertaining stories and your audience will put away their devices It’s an old joke, but a good one concerning public speaking – “If you have not struck oil after ten minutes, stop boring.” Recently I sat through one of the most boring speeches I’ve heard in a long, […]