The perfect pitch – podcast
Pitching Skill Workshop: How to Create the Perfect Pitch to Win Sales & Investment Here is a podcast packed with advice and tips on how to create the perfect pitch. I also provide a pitch template which will help you win sales or investment. The basics of creating a successful pitch are the same […]
Your USP – 6 Steps to Success
‘Art of Pitching’ Last Friday I spoke to an audience of over 100 business women on International Women’s Day. The topic I was asked to address was the “Art of Pitching” and how to succeed when seeking to win new business. In my view, a pitch must be delivered in a conversational way, that puts […]
Create Your New Business Story for 2019
Businesses I have worked with from the very beginning are now coming back to me to have their story (pitch) refreshed and updated. Either they have outgrown their initial business story, or they are realising that they need to pivot. There are several reasons for these re-engagements; the primary ones are: To increase sales and […]
Startup Pitches Brexit Solution to Government!
Executive Coaching for Entrepreneurs Recently I coached some entrepreneurs in the National College of Ireland (NCI) who were pitching their Brexit border solution to the Senate (Irish Upper House of Goverment) recently. Prior to my session, they had several dry runs with a selection of experts giving them advice, lots of which was conflicting. […]
Do you want Customers and/or Funders to beat a path to your door?
What Makes a Successful Business? In a recent conversation with Gene Murphy (Entrepreneur in Residence in the Bank of Ireland) a discussion arose over lunch about what I believe are the three requirements for a successful business. Here is what I believe distinguishes successful businesses from […]
What is the most common mistake Entrepreneurs make when pitching their business?
Pitching Your Business to Win Sales & Investment I listen to hundreds of pitches every year, so I would like to think I can quickly identify the key messages an entrepreneur would like to get across to a customer, or investor. Over the last three weeks I have coached FinTech start-ups, Female Entrepreneurs and […]
What has James Bond and Business Pitches got in Common?
Pitch For Investment For Your Business You have arrived in the cinema with your bucket of popcorn and can of coke and you anticipate watching the new James Bond trailer. Before you have taken your first mouthful of popcorn or sip of Coke, he’s got into an aeroplane without the pilot, out of an […]
Poetry and Pitching: The Similarities!
Regularly when I work with presenters, be they start-ups or established business people, I hear the same plea, how can I explain my business or my business idea in five minutes? You have a choice: you can bore your prospect for 30 to 45 minutes, or you can engage and […]