
Speakers – Focus on Connecting, not Perfecting 

Free Communications Webinar 28 February When does your heart race, your palms sweat, and your anxiety levels go through the roof?  For some people, it’s a sporting occasion, an important meeting or a first date, whether personal or business.  If speaking to people in person or online causes you stress, here is an invitation. If you […]

My Best Advice for Leaders – Listen More!

My Best Advice for Leaders - Listen More!

My definition of a leader: “A leader is someone who others will follow”. To become a leader it’s important to acquire good communications skills. If people do not know where you want to take them and why, there will be a real reluctance to follow. Good communications is not sending an email or some other […]

Good Communications are not soft skills – they are Critical skills

Talking Business

I regularly talk to organisations, and when I say that I have looked at, and studied, their website, to get a feel for the organisation before attending the meeting, the usual response I get from the management is, do not pay attention to the website, it’s out of date and does not really represent who […]